Artemia is a planktonic crustacean. Its differs in its high nutritional value and unpretentiousness, especially at the egg stage. It is used in aquaculture, mainly for feeding newly hatched shrimp larvae.


Nauplii are brine shrimp that have just hatched from an egg. It differs in its small size and high nutritional value, therefore it is mainly nauplii that are used in feeding.


"Parachute" \"Umbrella stage" - this is a moment of hatching of the nauplius from the egg. At this stage, the crustacean is half out of the egg and hangs with the shell for some time. Under a microscope, it looks like an umbrella, or a parachute.


Cysts are brine shrimp eggs.


Hydrobionts – everything that lives in the water. In English-language literature, the term Aquatic organisms is more often used, which is the same thing.


Diapause - is the resting state of Artemia cysts during storage. The transition to diapause is a long process of maturation which, like the maturation of wine, takes place in cold warehouses for 6-12 months.


Enrichment – a process when the nauplius is being fed something useful (vitamins, probiotics, trace elements). Artemia does not choose food and eats everything, so in this way we "enrich" the crustacean with what we need. In this case, the crayfish becomes a "shell" for vitamins, probiotics and microelements.


Hyperhaline estuary - is a reservoir with salinity above 40 grams of salt per liter.


Incubation - Artemia is usually sold as dry eggs. Freshly hatched brine shrimp - nauplii are used on farms. If you want to get nauplii from eggs, you will need to incubate – place the latter for 24 hours in salt water, well mixed and illuminated. In such conditions, after 24 hours nauplii are born from eggs, which are used in feeding shrimp.


Hydration – it is saturation of the cyst with water. Because of this, it softens, grows in weight and volume. It is not very well stored in this form.


Dehydration - drying = reverse hydration. A completely dehydrated egg takes on a biconvex shape, like an erythrocyte or dried apricots. It is also keeps well this way.


Chorion - is the outer protective shell of Artemia cysts. This is the strongest and hardest shell which provides long storage, but makes it difficult to give birth to nauplius. A feature of Bolshoy Yarovoy Artemia is a thick chorion, thicker than that the shell of Artemia cysts of competitors. The decapsulation process, with careful conduct, is aimed at removing the chorion


Biomass – an indicator of the quality of brine shrimp, it indicates the total mass of hatched nauplii.


Nauplii Per Gramm is the number of nauplii born from 1 gram of dry cysts.


CPG Cysts Per Gramm – is the number of cysts in 1 gram of product.


Hatching Rate (HR) – This process shows the percentage of eggs that will produce live, mobile nauplii. In its simplest form, it is equal to the NPG / CPG ratio.


Activator - Artemia cysts in many lakes have very thick shells, which makes it difficult for nauplii to be born. Active chemicals are used to help them to be born, the so-called activator. It is added either to the mass of dry eggs at the production site, or directly to the water during incubation.


Decapsulation is the removal of the outer shell of an egg using chemicals. It also allows you to feed eggs directly, eliminating the need for incubation. Disadvantages - immobility of feed units and some difficulty in storage.


Aeration – in general it is oxygenation of water. In the context of brine shrimp, aeration refers to the mixing of eggs and nauplii with air bubbles during incubation.


Chitosan - it is a derivative of chitin, the main component of cyst shells. It is used in dietary supplements, cosmetology, medicine, plant fertilizers


Kavesan Kavesan it is a processed product of Artemia cysts. BAA, it "heals everything"