Just imagine a sea voyage without any navigation. Our whole manufacture would be impossible without the laboratory, which is a so called compass for what we are doing.
Artemia cysts are a fine-dispersed product and its quality cannot be checked just by its appearance. During the processing, controlled tests of a single batch are done at least 7 times, and the results of each test are known not earlier than in 24 hours of incubation.
As a result of our scrupulous investigations our laboratory assistants have found certain regularities between the natural factors, exact Artemia generations and purity level and the hatching level of the ready-made product, which has already undergone all processing stages.
Our specialists are interested in everything concerning Artemia and its vital cycle. How many Artemia generations are there in a season? How does the intensity of Artemia growth depend on abiotic factors, composition and concentration of phytoplankton in Great Yarovoye Lake? What does the amount of cysts in the egg sac depend on? How can it be changed? What biochemical processes are there inside an egg during the diapause? Why do you think we need to know it if we just collect cysts, process them and send them all over the world?
If you ask Galina, our research director, she can tell you that if we are going to use natural resources in an ecological way, then we have to know all the details about hypersaline lakes and their hydrobionts. It helps to maintain Artemia population without disturbing the natural balance of the lake’s ecosystem.
All the information about the previous investigations is kept in the laboratory’s database. It is the fundamental principle of our company. Our clients’ visits have already become a good tradition. We are glad to share with them all the information concerning our experiments and investigations, to discuss topical questions about the aquaculture and show them our manufacturing processes.

Predictive examinations
We carry out this research in spring 3-4 months before collecting cysts. We examine Great Yarovoye Lake and check the current state and amount of phytoplankton, the concentration of the newborn nauplii and their growth speed, inspect the values of the abiotic factors, put all the information into the database, compare it with the values from the previous year. Predictive examinations let us know the cyclic changes of the lake’s biosphere and the probable time for the cyst collecting.

Initial examinations
After this type of examination we start collecting raw products. Firstly, we do test collecting of the cysts from the lake and check impurity content in the laboratory. That may include dead Atremia crustaceans (biomass), last year shells, pupae of scatella Subguttata. So we can delay collecting cysts for a few days if we see that cysts purity does not meet the company standards.

Practical examinations
Production process is not possible without them. During all the processing stages, laboratory assistants accompany each batch of cysts from the collecting stage till the transportation of the ready-made product. While performing the salt washing they check our cysts for the admixture content and their germinating capacity. During the temperature activation every 30 days, while the cysts are in the state of diapauses (from 3 to 6 months) we check their hatching capacity. After the fresh water washing and drying we check the humidity level and the purity and then do the control tests for the germinating capacity. After that we distribute the ready-made product into categories.

Scientific research
These investigations do not directly affect the manufacturing process. However, they let us improve some other types of examinations and research, detect new environmental factors and their interconnections with Artemia crustaceans. Here we take on the role of an academic biological institute; as we carry out experiments and publish articles which are useful for the whole sector. Within the framework of studies we exchange information with our partners, take part in international meetings and conferences, and also we host the visitors.

Predictive examinations
We carry out this research in spring 3-4 months before collecting cysts. We examine Great Yarovoye Lake and check the current state and amount of phytoplankton, the concentration of the newborn nauplii and their growth speed, inspect the values of the abiotic factors, put all the information into the database, compare it with the values from the previous year. Predictive examinations let us know the cyclic changes of the lake’s biosphere and the probable time for the cyst collecting.

Initial examinations
After this type of examination we start collecting raw products. Firstly, we do test collecting of the cysts from the lake and check impurity content in the laboratory. That may include dead Atremia crustaceans (biomass), last year shells, pupae of scatella Subguttata. So we can delay collecting cysts for a few days if we see that cysts purity does not meet the company standards.

Practical examinations
Production process is not possible without them. During all the processing stages, laboratory assistants accompany each batch of cysts from the collecting stage till the transportation of the ready-made product. While performing the salt washing they check our cysts for the admixture content and their germinating capacity. During the temperature activation every 30 days, while the cysts are in the state of diapauses (from 3 to 6 months) we check their hatching capacity. After the fresh water washing and drying we check the humidity level and the purity and then do the control tests for the germinating capacity. After that we distribute the ready-made product into categories.

Scientific research
These investigations do not directly affect the manufacturing process. However, they let us improve some other types of examinations and research, detect new environmental factors and their interconnections with Artemia crustaceans. Here we take on the role of an academic biological institute; as we carry out experiments and publish articles which are useful for the whole sector. Within the framework of studies we exchange information with our partners, take part in international meetings and conferences, and also we host the visitors.