Stage 4
Temperature Activation
The longest stage starts after the salt washing. Bags with the wet product (45%-50% humidity) are put into the thermo storehouses. Here with the temperature from 0 to +5 degrees centigrade hundreds of tons of future living fodder undergo temperature activation. Artemia cysts are in the state of diapause which may last from 3 to 6 months in natural environmental conditions.
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Numerous experiments showed that after freezing of the product diapause lasts a shorter period of time. But there is also a negative effect of this acceleration. In the longer term the hatching level of the thawed out cysts is unstable and can be reduced. That is why we intentionally do not accelerate the natural duration of diapauses. It is important for us to get a stable hatching level for several years.
During the stage of temperature activation, our laboratory assistants take samples from every batch every 30 days and check the hatching level. According to the register-list it is seen how this index goes up. As soon as it reaches the required level, we stop temperature activation and send the batch to the next stage – fresh-water washing.